Announcements August 22, 2014
Published on August 22, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
Life is full of give and take. Give thanks and take nothing for granted. Author Unknown
Deli Sandwich or Italian Meatball Sub
Reminder – you must bring your lunch card to lunch if you are eatting school lunches.
Guidance Reminder: Wednesday, August 27th is the last day to ADD a class to your schedule.
Students must have parking tags by Monday if you are parking in the school parking lot.
The Pella High staff has been nominated to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. For every $20 raised another staff member will take the challenge at the pep rally on the Fridayof Homecoming. Donations can be made in the bucket in the office. Let’s see how much good we can do and have fun at the same time.
Are you interested in F.C.A? If so we are having a kickoff BBQ at Coach Anderson’s house at 511 E. 15th st across from the Middle School. It is Tuesday, August 25th at 6:30 pm . PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE. If you have any questions on what F.C.A. is or need directions see Garret Jansen or Seth Johnson.
Come out and meet the 2014 Dutch Football Team tonight at the Gatorade Scrimmage!
Scrimmage time is 7:00 and a suggested donation of a bottle of Gatorade would be appreciated by the team. All teams will play in a green vs. white scrimmage.
Fear the Dutch t-shirts will also be available for $5.00 tonight before and after the scrimmage.