Announcements April 5, 2017
Published on April 5, 2017TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” – Theodore Roosevelt
LUNCH – Breaded Chicken Sandwich or Breaded Pork
Reminder Juniors and Seniors – if you are bringing someone from another school to Prom you must have your form turned in today.
Congratulations to the Lady Dutch Tennis team on their win over Ballard!
Congratulations to the girls track team! They brought home the Hy-Vee Relay Cup Championship last night from Waukee by scoring the most relay points of the evening. The lady Dutch had a total of 11 top 3 finishes against a mostly 4A Field!
Boys Soccer will have strength training & conditioning either in the East Gym or on the Turf field (weather permitting) at 3pm today. There will NOT be practice later in the afternoon or evening today.