Announcements April 27, 2021 (Tuesday) HS
Published on April 27, 2021TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Recipe for having friends: Be one. – Elbert Hubbard
Lunch Menu – BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Good Luck to the boys golf team as they travel to Oskaloosa today – Please dismiss the athletes after 4th period.
Good Luck to the girls golf team as they travel to Grinnell – Please dismiss the athletes at 2:30, the bus will leave at 2:45.
Good Luck to the boys tennis team as they travel to Norwalk. Please dismiss the athletes at 2:15. The bus will leave at 2:30.
Good Luck to the boys and girls track teams as they travel to Grinnell. Please dismiss the athletes at 2:30, the bus will leave at 2:45 from the team room.
Good Luck to the boys and girls soccer teams against Oskaloosa! The boys will leave at 4:30 from the team room. The varsity girls will host Oskaloosa at the stadium starting at 5:30.