Announcements Thursday, April 26, 2018-
Published on April 26, 2018TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “A Pessimist Sees The Difficulty In Every Opportunity; An Optimist Sees The Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” – Winston Churchill
Lunch – Pepperoni & Cheese Pocket Sandwich
Students interested in participating in Student Council next year should contact Mr. Rasmussen by Tuesday, May 1.
Tickets are still available for both shows of Showcase on Saturday. 2pm or 7pm. $10 includes a 2 hour show, filled with show choirs, jazz bands, soloists and small groups, and also dessert and beverage! Join us this weekend for a great night of music!
(Click here for Tulip Time Work Excuse)
Congratulations to the boys tennis team on their victory over Norwalk!
Good Luck to:
The boys and girls track team, field events start at 5:00, running events start at 5:15.
The boys golf team as they travel to HoneyCreek please dismiss the athletes at 9:30, the bus will leave at 9:45 from the team room.
The boys and girls tennis teams against Grinnell. Please dismiss the girls tennis team at 2:15 the bus will eave at 2:30.
The boys and girls soccer teams against Gilbert. Please dismiss the girls soccer team at 3:00 the bus will leave at 3:20 from the team room.