Announcements April 24, 2014
Published on April 24, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. – Ralp Waldo Emerson.
Hot dog or Beefburger
Great job seniors for making the 2014 service day a great success. Thank you for your hard work!
Intra murals start this Thursday 4/24 at 3:30 in the west gym – ultimate frisbee teams decided on-site.
Good luck to the shooting team as they compete at Knoxville tonight in a trap competition and Knoxville and Newton.
Early Dismissal: Girls Tennis will dismiss after 7th and leave at 2:45 Boys Soccer will dismiss at 3:00 and the bus will leave at 3:10. Girls Golf will dismiss at 12:15 and leave at 12:30 so eat 2nd lunch if you have 3rd lunch.
Good luck to:
Becky Visser as she participates at Drake for High Jump
Garret Jansen as he participates at Drake Relays for discus
Girls Golf as they travel to Oskaloosa
Girls Tennis as they travel to Norwalk
Boys Tennis as they host Norwalk
Boys Soccer as they travel to Gilbert