Announcements April 11, 2017
Published on April 11, 2017TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “People will forget what you said, people may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
Lunch Mini Corn Dogs or Chicken Nuggets
Any juniors, sophomores or freshmen interested in Student Council for next year should see Mr. Rasmussen in Room 216 this week.
Any juniors interested in being Student Body President or Vice-President should also see Mr. Rasmussen this week
Senior Volunteer Hours – Any seniors collecting volunteer hours for our Distinguished Service Program should submit all the hours you have by Friday, April 28. If you are planning to accumulate hours during Tulip Time, you should still submit your other hours by the 28th, so we can try to complete the logging process. Tulip Time hours will still be counted; just turn them in the Monday after. The final deadline for seniors’ hours will be Monday, May 8.

Forte Dance Team try out sign up is located in the main office. After you sign up, you will receive a packet with all of the try out information and dates.
Good Luck to:
- Girls Golf as they travel to Newton – please dismiss the girls at 2:30, the bus will leave at 2:45 from the team room
- Boys Tennis as they travel to Indianola – Please dismiss the boys at 2:40, the bus will leave at 2:50 from the high school bus loop
- Girls Tennis as they compete against Indianola at Caldwell park at 4:15
- Boys and Girls Track at they compete at Pella Christian tonight at 4:45
- JV and Varsity Girls Soccer against Pella Christian at the Soccer Complex at 5:30
- JV and Varsity Boys Soccer against Pella Christian at the stadium at 5:30