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Announcements April 1, 2022 (Friday) HS

Published on April 1, 2022

Today’s Thought on Character Counts –  Start each day with a positive thought, like: “I can go back to bed in just 17 short hours.”

Lunch Menu – Cold “Dutchable”


Students – Are you looking for summertime employment? Are you good at mowing lawns? Food Service? Childcare? There are several job opportunities posted on the bulletin board in the senior lounge. Take a look and nail down your summer job now.

Seniors, if you are planning to work after high school but do not have a job lined up, Vermeer is offering an amazing opportunity for you! On April 18, they’ll be hosting seniors to explain the different job opportunities Vermeer can offer. You could potentially walk away from the day with a job lined up. For more information, check your email from Mrs. Manning, or stop in to see Mrs. Manning or Mrs. Thompson.

All participants of the Talent Show please go to the auditorium at the beginning of iLearn A for a quick rehearsal. If you can’t, please see Mr. Brandt during iLearn B.


Congrats to the Varsity Boys soccer team as they defeated Winterset last night. 

Congratulations to the Overwatch, Valorant, Smash A, Mario Kart, Rocket League, Madden A, and Hearthstone esports teams on their victories this week.

Good luck to the boys golf team as they travel to Newton. Boys golf is dismissed after 2nd period and bus leaves at 9:50

Good luck to the girls soccer team as they travel to Centerville tomorrow.

Good luck to the boys and girls track team as they travel to DCG tomorrow.


Friday Schedule