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Announcements February 4, 2016

Published on February 4, 2016

Today’s thought on Character Counts: “Change brings opportunity.” ~ Nibo Qubein


Lunch: Nacho Grande or Loose-meat sandwich



Poetry Out Loud auditions have been rescheduled for today, Thursday February 4th, after school in room 116.


Senior ski trip is Wednesday, February 10.  Forms and $20 donation due Friday, February 5th.  Emily Dux & Lauren Kingery will be collecting donations and forms during 5th period lunch today and Friday. If you haven’t picked up your form you can pick one up in the high school office.


The National Honor Society is kicking off our annual charity drive! This year, you can donate any gently used blue jeans to our drive that will be given to young people experiencing homelessness. The class that donates the most jeans will receive a sweet prize! Contact Emily Dux with questions.


Seniors: to earn a Distinguished Service Cord for graduation, you need to volunteer 50 hours. So far, ten seniors have completed their hours and will be receiving a cord to wear at graduation. The last day you can turn in hours is Monday, May 9, 2016.

As a student body, students have volunteered 3916.76 hours so far. Way to go!



Good luck to:

Freshman girls and boys and JV boys as they travel to Norwalk

Wrestling as they travel to Oskaloosa



Friday’s Schedule