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Announcements Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Published on November 12, 2019

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS  –  Honest hearts produce honest actions – Unknown

Lunch Menu – Italian Pasta Casserole OR Pepperoni & Cheese Pocket


Students: if you signed up to be a part of PYC Pals, we will have a brief meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) during iLearn A in the back of the library. Mr. Fynaardt will be here to explain the process.

Reminder: Intramural ping pong will continue tomorrow during iLearns.


Attention Football Players Grades 9-12: Equipment check-in will be today, after school, Thursday, Nov. 14, after school, and Friday, Nov. 15, after school.  You may check in your equipment under the team room in our storage cage.  Coach McKinstrey will also be available 8th hour each of these days in the team room if you have 8th hour free.  Please have your jerseys and pants, both game and practice, washed and clean.  Please remove your decals and helmet numbers from your helmet.  Thanks for helping in the equipment check-in process.

The Wrestling team meeting is tomorrow from 1:50 to 2:00. Wrestlers and Managers please come!

Congratulations to the debate team on their outstanding performance last night at Norwalk!