Announcements Monday, September 18, 2023
Published on September 18, 2023Monday September 18, 2023 Announcements
Lunch Menu:
-Breakfast Bagel Sandwich with Sausage Patty
-Real-Slice Cheese Pizza
–A representative from the University of Chicago will be here in the Commons on Wednesday, 9/20 during SmartLunch (11:45 – 12:45).
–Agriculture students attending South Central CDE day Tuesday, please have your field trip forms turned in by the end of today. The bus leaves from the Career Academy at 7:15am.
-Congrats to the football team on their win over Xavier last Friday.
-Good Luck to the JV football team as they travel to Xavier. JV football players are dismissed at 2:00 PM
-Good luck to the JV Volleyball team as they travel to PCM.