Announcements Friday, November 8, 2019
Published on November 8, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – We can’t take any credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts- Madeline L’Engle
Lunch Menu – Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Pizza OR Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Reminder: if you would like to sign up for the blood drive next Tuesday, please see Mr. Thorson or Mrs. Clayberg.
FFA Members: Please stop by Mr. Bowers’ room during iLearn A today to set up your practice times for Leadership Development Events.
Good luck to the Football team as they head to Solon! Please dismiss the athletes at 1:30, the buses will leave at 2:15 from the team room. The cheerleaders are dismissed after 7th and will leave at 3:00 from the east entrance.