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Announcements Oct. 4, 2016

Published on October 4, 2016

Today’s thought on Character Counts:  You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself. – Harvey Firestone

Lunch: Loose-Meat Sandwich or Grilled Chicken Sandwich


Paint the Stands Pink! It’s back and it’s Pella’s way of showing support for breast cancer awareness. Did you know that 85 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer? Student council invites you to show your support for breast cancer awareness month by helping Paint the Stands Pink on Friday, Oct. 14! T-shirts can be ordered online at

ACT workshop reminder: students who have registered for the ZAPS workshop this week, please come to rm 108 (Mr. Cutler’s classroom). The workshop will be held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, 6:30-9pm.

Financial Aid Night reminder: On Thursday evening, a financial aid night will be held for parents and students in the PHS auditorium at 7pm. Please attend to hear more about the financial aid process and how to complete the online FAFSA.

 If you left anything at the homecoming dance  please stop in the office to claim.


Congratulations to the Varsity boys and girls Cross Country Teams on getting 1st place last night and congratulations to the JV boys and girls on 2nd place! WAY TO GO!

Open Gym starts Thursday, October 6th at 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the East Gym.  Other upcoming dates for Open Gym are: October 13, 20, 24, 27 and November 3rd.

Good luck:

9th, JV and Varsity Volleyball as they travel to Oskaloosa tonight. Bus will leave at 4:15

Wednesday’s Schedule