Digital Backpack Menu
Digital Backpack Submit Event
Digital Backpack Submission FAQs
- Can I submit an event? If you are a part of a school-affiliated, school-sponsored, school-supported, or non-profit organization – yes! Events may also be shared from for-profit organizations regarding study abroad or curricular enhancement opportunities – if approved.
- Does my flyer need a disclaimer? Probably! All flyers (excluding school-affiliated, -sponsored, and -supported) must include the following disclaimer:
“This is not a Pella Community School District publication, nor is it in any way endorsed or sponsored by the district. This publication is being provided only to inform the viewer of other available community activities and opportunities.”
- Will my event be approved? If your event follows all of the criteria listed above, it should be approved by the communications department. If it is not, an email will be sent to the listed contact detailing why.
- How long will my information be available on the digital backpack? An event will expire after it’s designated event date.
- Can I send a paper flyer to students? According to district policy, only school-sponsored and school-affiliated organizations can send flyers home with students. All flyers must be approved by the communications department or building principal.