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Announcements March 28, 2014

Published on March 28, 2014

Today’s thought on Character Counts

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden


Fish sticks or hot dog


Don’t forget about the blood drive next Monday, March 31st. Sign up is in the fitness room.

Seniors:  Don’t forget to complete your senior surveys by April 11. The sooner you get them in, the better. Thanks!

Starting April 1, the breakfast line will be open in the cafeteria during the passing period between periods 1 and 2.

Taylor Fleenor your name has been drawn for a “Fast Pass To Lunch!”  You and 2 friends can go to the front of the lunch line!! Thanks for “Paying It Forward!”  Enjoy and keep “Paying it Forward!”  Taylor please stop in the office to pick up your “Fast Pass To Lunch.”


Early dismissal: Boys Track will be dismissed at 1:05 with the bus to leave at 1:15.

Boys soccer players need to be at the stadium at 4:45 for pictures and scrimmage with Albia will start at 5:30.

Good luck to:

Boys Track as they travel to Washington.